Rumer-Loudin, Inc.

Maintain Your Heating and Air Condition System Like You Maintain Your Car

Did you know your home heating and air conditioning system operates approximately 3,300 hours per year?

To put this run time in perspective, a car driven for the same 3,300 hours at 65 miles per hour would travel over 214,000 miles! Would you travel that far without having routine maintenance to assure the efficiency, safety, and reliability of the vehicle?

Is your home or business air conditioning system tuned up and ready for the coming season?

Make a comfortable decision. Call Rumer-Loudin, with offices in St. Clairsville and Barnesville, to schedule a central air conditioner check up.

You can view our maintenance checklist and see what is done during your checkup.

A maintenance agreement is available for two checks per year, one for the heating season and one for the cooling, or we can just check your air conditioner.

Remember the old adage, and ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

No Heat?

You might save some money on a service call if you check these before calling us. If those don't fix the issue, give us a call!

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