The Montreal Protocol and Why It Might Be Time To Upgrade
Have you been nursing your old air conditioner along? Maybe adding refrigerant every year or two because you have a refrigerant leak? You may want to finally replace it and here’s why.
In 1987 the US signed the Montreal Protocol, which calls for the phase out of R-22 refrigerant by the year 2020. If your air conditioner was installed in 2010 or earlier, this is probably the type of refrigerant in your system. As the year 2020 approaches, the price of R-22 refrigerant will sky rocket. Already it has more than doubled over the last year.
There is something called a drop-in refrigerant to replace R-22; however, it can reduce your cooling capacity about 3 to 5%.
Newer systems use a much less expensive refrigerant called 410A. As well, new systems usually have at least a 10 year parts and warranty and are more efficient.
Rumer-Loudin offers financing applied for via our website. For a free estimate on a new cooling system, call the Barnesville (740-425-3134) or St. Clairsville (740-695-2487) office, or contact us using our website.